Piedo.eu - is a website designed for Centrum Ortopedyczno-Protetyczne, and crafted by Demo Art station. The site's primary color scheme consists of a gradient that transitions from blue to black, with important headings, calls to action, and highlights featuring the company's signature orange hue (E63312). The design is intended to instill trust in users and present Piedo's products through large photographs of their orthopedic insoles. The main font used throughout the website is Poppins.
The homepage showcases Piedo's products, focusing on their orthopedic insoles. Additionally, the website presents the ordering process from both the client's and manufacturer's perspectives. The entire design is minimalist and user-friendly, aimed at providing a clear and easy-to-navigate experience for users. The website's main objective is to attract and engage B2B clients such as sports shops and orthopedic stores, who will sell Piedo's products to their customers.
Piedo offers a variety of orthopedic insoles, including comfort, sports, and work insoles. The website's primary functionality is the contact form, which facilitates communication with potential customers. Additionally, the site provides information about the company's services.
Functional Requirements: