• Logotype • Business Card • Packaging

Leather Goods - Brand Identity

A family-owned business with 21 years of experience in leathercraft. The firm provides top-quality leather collections with revitalized classic designs, encompassing tradition and modernity.



• Logotype • Business Card • Packaging


Manufacturing & Industrials



Project Description

We were given a complex assignment which included creating a logo, business cards, packaging and inserts for wallets. Mr Zbigniew, the owner of the firm, expected a minimalist and modern style and an effective colour palette that would highlight the prestige of their product.

Logotype with serif typography underline with elegant colour palette consisted of black and gold, often associated with luxury and prestige

Our expertise in branding allowed us to create a distinct and memorable identity for the firm. The logotype we developed featured elegant serif typography, adding a touch of sophistication. Our attention to detail in typography, specifically the choice of serif letterforms, contributed to the overall visual appeal and professionalism of the design. The comprehensive branding strategy we employed ensured a cohesive and impactful visual presence.

Project Goals
  • Minimalistic and Modern style
  • The sense of a prestigious brand
  • Logotype, usiness Card, wallet inserts, packaging

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